Dear Aspirants,
We are conducting Online Preparatory Quiz for NET/SET Exam preparation from 29th June to 3rd July 2020. This online quiz will be in 5 parts having 30 questions each in one part. Every day one quiz will be delivered to your WhatsApp number at 10.55AM from 29th June. The online quiz Link will be made open upto 30 Min to solve it and submit your response to us.
I also request you all to send this Registration Form to the maximum number of your friends and students. So maximum Aspirants can take benefit from it. The last date for Registration is 26 June 2020.
After the successful completion of the quiz, the desired participants will be given e-certificate on their registered email address.
Thanking you,
With regards
Anil Kumar Chaurasiya
SPA, Central Library,Tripura University and
Surendra Kumar Pal,
Assistant Librarian, Tripura University
For any clarification please contact: